We have a great time with all of our clients during their photo sessions. But, Ms. E was one of the most fun clients that we have worked with! Her sassy personality and spunky attitude made for such a fun experience. Here's more about Ms. E's boudoir session.

Ms.E first learned about us through a business networking group the we both belong to. She was excited and intrigued by what we do here in the studio, not just the boudoir photography, but how we help women boost their self esteem.

It is always the unknown that is scary. Even though, booking a session with us was a bit out of her comfort zone,she liked that! She pushes outside of her own box to help her learn new things about herself. And she had FUN! She felt like a movie star while getting her hair and makeup done! Ms. E also felt enveloped in the warmth and acceptance during the shoot.
Even though she was a bit worried about how the photos would turn out, Ms. E was surprised how much she loved them. Now she wants to do many more sessions!

Words From Ms.E
If you could give future clients or anyone on the fence about having a boudoir session with Catherine Kellie Studios words of encouragement, what would it be?
"Do it for yourself. Catherine takes you through a process of preparing for a successful photo shoot - so, by the time you get to the studio - you will be ready. Catherine is an amazing professional who makes sure that your photos will be great."
Describe your experience in 3 words.
"FUN! The ultimate 'me' time. Discovery."
Describe Catherine Kellie Boudoir in 3 words.
"Loving. Accepting. Positive."