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Miss D's Boudoir Session

Writer's picture: Alter Ego BoudoirAlter Ego Boudoir

Updated: Oct 21, 2020

Describe yourself in 3 words.

Honest, determined, compassionate

Write about yourself.

I’m a wife of 21 years and a mom to three great kids and 1 awesome stepson. 4 years ago, I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, I suffered from a large weight gain and extreme fatigue. It evolved into hypertension, high cholesterol and sleep apnea. It was a very hard time for me and my self-esteem totally tanked. 2 years after my initial diagnosis I decided to take control of my health. I watched what I ate, worked out, etc without much success. After a lot of research I decided gastric bypass was my best option to achieve better health. December 2018, I finally had my surgery and I’m happy to report that my diabetes is in remission and all other health conditions are within normal limits and I am healthy, happy and confident! My photoshoot was my way of celebrating my success : )

Before your shoot - what do you remember thinking/feeling? How was your planning? Would you do anything differently? Before my shoot, I was very excited and nervous. This was my second time shooting with Cat so I knew what to expect from her as a photographer. She’s very friendly, patient and puts you at ease instantly. My nervousness was related to being unsure of how I would photograph. Am I going to look ok? I spent so many years hiding from a camera to being fully exposed! I planned for my session by going on Pinterest and lingerie websites to get ideas. I decided I was determined to wear a corset AND to take advantage of that amazing tub! My “summer” look I pulled together the night before, just when I thought I had no idea how I was going to achieve that look, inspiration hit me when I saw a straw summer hat and the rest just came together from what I had in my dresser at home. My advice, don’t stress and overthink it, go with the flow and wear what feels good to you!

Did you feel well prepared for your shoot?

I had booked my shoot a few months in advance so the anticipation of having it done had me feeling excited and really happy. I had looked forward to it for weeks. During the shoot, I was extremely grateful for Cat’s direction on posing and her positivity is contagious. I felt like the sexiest woman ever. It’s extremely empowering to put yourself out there and enjoy doing it!

How did you feel the day of your reveal?

On the day of my reveal, I was anxious with anticipation. I was in awe seeing them on the screen, so many to choose from and the quality of her work is amazing. I didn’t say a lot and my eyes were glued to the screen, I was holding back tears! I was overwhelmed and was so happy with my images, it such a fantastic feeling to see myself and actually liked what I saw. It was a very emotional experience for me, but a positive one.

Do you feel or think differently about yourself after your boudoir shoot? I am definitely more confident and comfortable with myself when previously I had not been for many years.

Knowing what you know now, would you do it again? This is my second boudoir session with Cat, so I would definitely do it again and again. It’s fun and a great way to celebrate yourself, for milestones or just because. I would not change a thing. I love the individualized attention you receive while having a session. It’s a time that’s just about you, no work, no husband, no kids, just time you are giving to YOURSELF!

What do you feel other women need to know? If you’re contemplating doing a boudoir session stop thinking about it and just do it! To quote the band Old Dominion “ life is short, make it sweet” Ladies, you have to use her tub, look up boudoir bathtub pics online, it’s such a great addition to what she offers! I’d like to thank Cat and her staff for the exceptional service they give to their clients, you really know how to make a girl feel special!

Now, finish this sentence - I am __________.


Ready to book your session? Contact us today at and at (248).747.7236!



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