Describe yourself in 3 words.
Happy fun lover
Share a little about yourself.
I have been married for 5 years, and with my husband for 15. We don't have children. I have worked for a dental practice for 14 years. My summers are spent living on my boat. It's like being on vacation all summer.
Why did you want to do a boudoir session?
I wanted to do a boudoir session for me, not my husband like allot of people. I wanted to feel beautiful and have it all be about me!
Are you planning on sharing your photos with someone else, or are these just for you?
I did the shoot just for me. I have shown them to others because I was so amazed at how they turned out. I feel so happy when I look at them!
Before your shoot - what do you remember thinking/feeling?
Initially, I was super excited. As the date came closer I started to get very nervous. I overanalyzed all of my outfits, stressed about my hair and body, and worried that they would not come the way I wanted them to.
I couldn't sleep the night before my shoot. While I packed my stuff up to go, I felt too excited, but the fear was starting to take over. When I walked into the studio and Cat greeted me, I instantly felt the fear go away. She made me feel special and beautiful. I relaxed more while she was doing my makeup and I was ready! During the shoot, I felt amazing and sexy. I left my shoot so happy and feeling like nothing could top this feeling!
How did you feel the day of your reveal?
The day of my reveal, I was anxious worrying that how I thought they would look was not how they would come out. I was incredibly wrong. When I saw them the first time, I felt like I was looking at someone else. I am not used to seeing myself look like that. They were beyond anything I could have ever expected. I felt so beautiful and realized, that's me...I am beautiful!
Knowing what you know now, would you do it again?
I would definitely do it again! The whole experience was amazing and I wouldn't change a thing!
What do you feel other women need to know?
Don't let your fears or insecurities stop you from having this experience. It is one of the best experiences and you deserve to feel beautiful!
Now, finish this sentance - I am __________.

Contact me and let's talk about a session